Inside The Umbrella Effect you will find:
The 19 principles of Umbrella Parenting
A quick-reference guide to the 18 Umbrella Skills
Real-life and relatable stories and skill examples
Conversation starters to make bringing the Umbrella Effect into your family’s life extra easy!
The Umbrella Effect book takes you step-by-step through how to strengthen positive coping skills in yourself and your kids.
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With The Umbrella Effect you will:
Encourage healthy habits and choices without becoming a ‘helicopter parent’
Embrace challenges your child faces and risky moves they make
Show your child Umbrella Skills in action through your own behavior
Point out and praise your child’s strengths
Judge when to step in with your umbrella of protection and when to hang back
Start 'uncomfortable' conversations with your kids.
Identify and explore the deeper roots of your child’s ‘misbehavior’
Define your family culture and community
Boost your child’s confidence without them depending on you for validation
Shift your focus from your child’s external achievements to meaningful social and emotional progress
As Reviewed On Amazon
“A must read for parents, teachers, coaches, or anyone interested in mindfulness and growth.”
“How I wish this book was around when I was a kid. It’s a must read! A proactive approach to supporting well-being that doesn’t have to feel heavy and intimidating but rather motivating and accessible.”
“The Umbrella Effect is a complete primer for building coping skills in our children and ourselves.”
More About The Book
No matter how old your child is — or how old you are — it’s the perfect time to bring The Umbrella Effect into your lives.
Because our most powerful opportunity to support our kids is right NOW.
Ultimately our children will grow up and become responsible for themselves. And we get to help them build their own umbrella of skills to take on life’s obstacles, develop their identities, and find purpose in life.
The Umbrella Effect uses a series of principles and a breakdown of the Umbrella Skills to teach you how to compassionately guide your child while improving your positive coping skills, too!
You’ll find specific help on things like how to support your child in being authentic and responsible on social media and how to hold space for your child through the ‘sucks but normal’ moments of life.

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About Dr. Jen Forristal
Through parenting my three kiddos and studying pediatric mental health as a Naturopathic Doctor, I discovered a core set of principles and skills that have been proven to increase well-being, adaptability, and emotional intelligence in kids.
The results of my work have been published in the Canadian Journal of School Psychology and I have earned a Health Promotion Canada Award in recognition of my contribution to mental health promotion in youth.
I’m still a human who has tough parenting days, gets grouchy sometimes, and has to work on my own Umbrella consistently!
The beauty of parenting and life is that nothing is ever truly ‘perfect.’
We get to enjoy each day and prepare ourselves for the mysterious weather of the next.
As the Founder and CEO of The Umbrella Project, I have developed positive coping skills training for parents and educators in the form of courses, curriculums, individual sessions, workshops, and an easy-to-reference book that are used internationally by thousands of parents.
I don’t believe for a minute that I’ve invented these skills or uncovered some mysterious, never-before-known wisdom…I believe that these skills are simply inherent to a healthy, thriving lifestyle. I also believe we can learn them anytime, at any age and that they’re just as important for parents to learn as they are for our kids!

The Umbrella Effect is designed to be an easy read for busy parents.
With short chapters, clear examples, actionable steps, and word-for-word conversation starters to use with your kids — this is a book you can easily pick up and put down throughout the day and reference when life’s weather gets rainy.
The 18 Umbrella Skills you’ll find inside The Umbrella Effect:
Empathy Gratitude Growth Mindset Mindfulness Kindess Intrinsic Motivation Authenticity Grit Self-Efficacy Resilience Purpose Autonomy Cognitive Flexibility Self-Compassion Realistic Optimism Integrity Healthy Lifestyle Mastery
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