A Grateful Gift – Grab your copy of The Holistic Parent Today!

A Grateful Gift – Grab your copy of The Holistic Parent Today!

With the approach of the holidays, The Holistic Parent magazine has released its 2018 Holiday Gift Guide! Dr. Jen’s article on Gratitude over the holidays is included on page 10.

Read the Online Version of The Holistic Parent HERE


You can pick up your free copy of this fantastic magazine at any one of their community partner locations. See the list of those locations here, or follow them on social media (@holisticparentmag).

Does your child’s community have grit?

Does your child’s community have grit?

Research has shown us that the grit of a classroom as a whole is more predictive of future literacy achievement than the grit of the individual.

Big take away – We need a gritty team around us to help us succeed!!

Take a few minutes to think about the people your child is surrounded with. Do they have opportunities to be part of a team, class or group that is motivated to help each other persevere and work towards goals? Is there a way to help build this sense of grit in their communities?

As parents, it’s easy to get focused on our own children’s wellbeing. Do not forget how much the wellbeing of their peers influences their success too.

Share this post to start building grit as a team!

Download your PDF copy of this infographic by clicking HERE.